Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watching others going through this.....

We spend alot of time looking through forums and videoblogs getting ideas on how other people have approached this. Learning so much. I had already given you a link to where I found out about Vertical Sleeve from Christie's Blog (a couple going through this together) and now I have come across another couple with a video diary. Ok, so informative and interesting. I am so impressed with how they have done and it just makes me think this is something Dan and I can do together too. I have attached a link to his first video but I think there are 32 in all, spanning over a year or more. They were not covered by insurance at all and decided to go to Mexico. That idea is floating around in our house too because now we (well, especially me) are concerned that the sleeve is not covered by Carefirst unless your BMI is 50+. Well I am just hitting the 40 mark and Dan is about a 42 so I can only hope this is going to work out for us insurance wise. I have been reading that Anemia can be largely effected by malabsorbsion issues and may be a good reason Gastic Bypass would be ruled out for me. I have been anemic in years prior to this and before my heart surgery I was "very" anemic and I have been on Iron since then. I feel after all of our research that the sleeve seems to fall right between and seems perfect for us. Here is the link. Enjoy watching their journey...and I also found through her blog on OH.com that they are pregnant now.....so sweet. His videos stopped in April of 2010 but she had done an update. He gives you all their usernames so you can following along and see pictures ......so inspiring.

Brooke and Andy's Journey

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